
The world's only rock & roll nutrition experience makes healthy rock.

Jump with Jill changes the way kids learn about health. Boring directives on what not to eat is one of the driving forces behind our culture’s neglect of what’s best for us. The truth is, people know what it takes to be healthy. Even a child can tell you to eat your vegetables and drink more water. But the gap between knowledge and action is widened by the cues to unhealthy behavior that inundate us every day - professional athletes tout fast food in advertisements, vending machines offer our favorite sugar fix, and banner ads encourage us to shed pounds to look like a computer-altered model half our age. Everything you ever needed to know about how to effectively communicate a desired behavior can be learned from advertising. The characters, catchphrases, repetition, and music of well-funded marketing campaigns so strongly connect to our subconscious desires that they can override our logic and mask the very real drawbacks (or even dangers!) of the products being sold. Advertisers work very diligently to convert sugar water into a hip, multi-million dollar brand. They target kids to establish lifelong consumers. Today’s generation of kids needs to develop brand loyalty to healthy habits. We think it’s so important, we sing and dance about it.


Make health messages sing

We inspire kids to make healthy choices with the power of music and dance.


Art with impact

As a trusted resource to families worldwide, we connect with kids.


A mission that matters

We elevate healthy choices with our high impact programming.


Make some noise

We challenge our audiences to be a part of the movement.

Our story.

Our impact.