Jump with Jill is an evidence-based program.
The pilot digital adaptation of Jump with Jill:
Empowered school leaders to asynchronously implement an effective movement-based nutrition program
Increased engagement with follow-up content
Expanded accessibility for a wider range of locations, abilities, and teaching environments
Enabled real-time adjustments to the program based on user behavior
Coaching Emails continued to enhance the impact of the Jump with Jill program, especially with the least engaged teachers.
Increases the amount of time teachers spend teaching nutrition.
Increases teacher confidence and willingness to teach nutrition and movement.
Increased in digital tool utilization over time, highest at follow-up.
Gamifying nutrition education and its evaluation demonstrated:
Improvements in nutrition knowledge and intentions
Enthusiasm for learning about nutrition
Satisfaction with the evaluation process
Driving milk sales and building relationships with schools resulted in:
Improved student willingness to choose milk
Increased milk sales
Enhanced relationships with schools
Empowering educators to teach nutrition
After participating in the Jump with Jill program, teachers demonstrated an increase in:
Assess to engaging nutrition education tools
Confidence for making nutrition exciting to teach
Expertise in nutrition
Instructional time spent teaching nutrition
Creating enthusiastically engaged participants
Students experiencing Jump with Jill reported high program engagement. Results demonstrated an increased:
Willingness to experiment with new healthy foods
Confidence that choosing healthy foods will improve their health
Enthusiasm for nutrition education
Supporting increased school milk consumption
Fluid milk per capita consumption declines approximately -2.5% per year. Jump with Jill appears to not only counter the downward trajectory, but on average to increase milk consumption 9.3%.
Developing an interactive assessment tool
Students experiencing Jump with Jill reported:
An overwhelming willingness to try healthy foods
A moderation of extreme negative responses students
Sustained changed over time
Enjoyment of the program and the survey