As a leader in interactive educational experiences since 2008, the music-based nutrition education program, Jump with Jill, makes healthy rock. But how did we get here?
2023: Producing
After a major overhaul of the Jump with Jill organization, Jill begins production on new original music.
2022: Evolving
As the digital program kicks off a third and final program, Jill is awarded a celebrity scholarship to the Berklee School of Music kicking off an intensive journey to develop mastery level skills in music production. Masks come down and the live show makes select appearances with a new sound engineer at the board, creator Jill Jayne.
2021: Reimagining
The Jump with Jill live tour is adapted to bring the rockin’ nutrition education tunes to the screen with a Pittsburgh-based cast and video production team. Jump with Jill: The Movie! premieres at elementary schools across the nation as part of the new nutrition education program, The Jump with Jill Digital Tour.
2020: Quarantining
In the wake of the the COVID-19 pandemic that prohibits singing together in large groups, the Jump with Jill live tour comes to an abrupt halt. The team stays connected through technology and finds ways to stay healthy, creative, and engaged.
2019: Arriving
The entire graphic portfolio and set are redesigned to reflect the slick yet fun brand that the no longer scrappy kids’ band had become. Jill is your resource for developing your unique project that can excel on her carefully developed platform to impact kids and families around the world.
2018: Rocking
Jump with Jill reaches one million kids.
2017: Españoling
Jump with Jill materials are translated into Spanish to be accessible to more students.
2017: Certifying
As part of the Texas Department of Agriculture RFP, Jump with Jill is officially certified as a Woman-Owned Small Business.
2016: Emmying
The danceable music videos are nominated for Emmy Awards.
2016: Grammying
By popular demand, Jump with Jill releases their third record filled with songs about intuitive eating, hand washing, and trying new foods. It is considered for a Grammy nomination for Best Children's Album.
2016: Studying
The research started to head to publication that Jump with Jill was effective. Evaluations of students and teachers reported an overwhelmingly positive response to the show and an increased and sustained motivation over time. Client reports began to include recommendations which improved client retention. (something funny about reducing client stress because you can justify us to boss - reflection of our constant desire to improve)
2015: Partnering
The Jump with Jill client portfolio is full of several key longterm partnerships with aligned brands: Fuel Up to Play 60, National Watermelon Promotion Board, and the Texas Department of Agriculture. This model means scalability for Jump with Jill, free shows for schools, and impact for partners.
2014: Defining
Jump with Jill moves from being a show to production company, moving into a 9,000 square foot warehouse. Processes are documented and protocols are put in place as we start to work with high profile brands and organizations like state Departments of Agriculture and become the face of a midwest grocery store chain. Dance breaks, highly collaborative workspace design, and impossible and hilarious acronyms for internal meetings help us meet our deadlines and establish counter-office culture at the new digs.
2013: High Kicking
1,000th Jump with Jill show is performed.
2012: Growing
Jill casts her first doppelganger to perform in the role of Jill in the live tour, allowing the show to literally be in more than one place at once. In an HR move that was more like cloning than hiring, Jill casts certified teachers with performance backgrounds in the stage roles. This proves to be a powerful investment in the future as crowd sizes grow with the show's popularity. With Jill in a new role in an office, the profile of the show accelerates as the show completes the first international tour, receives a Grammy nomination consideration, and heads to meet the first lady as part of the Let’s Move Campaign.
2011: Chickening
Jump with Jill's first national television placement - Jill appears on Sprout with Sean and Chica Chicken. "Nature's Candy" and "Brush Your Teeth" air to an audience of millions.
2010: Cooking
Jill develops the toolkit to support the show in the classroom.
2009: Posting
First national print media placement - the Wall Street Journal reviews the debut Jump with Jill album next to Ziggy Marley.
2008: Launching
The label passed on song after song until they heard what Jill had been singing about in her new nutrition project. A&R worked on the debut album for Jump with Jill, released in 2008, which was followed by an intense national tour.
2007: Learning
With my new MS, RD behind her name, Jump with Jill would become unmatched in their subject matter expertise.
2006: Testing
Jump with Jill debuts as a free street show in New York City’s Central Park as part of Jill’s master’s thesis about how mass media strategies so pervasive in advertising could be employed in Ivory Tower nutrition education practice. Crowds form around her to learn about nutrition in public. Jill realizes she is on to something.
2005: Rocking
All those years of piano lessons and musicals pay off as Jill's band is signed to a development deal. The corporate DNA of Jump with Jill is built on the principles of running a successful rock band – finding partners to book the show, promoting the appearance, and structuring a strong setlist.
2004: Working
As a student, Jill works as the writer and host of a nationally-syndicated children’s nutrition program on PBS. Though dressed as a cow for most of the taping, this experience sets into motion that combining Jill's love of food and music may be the recipe for a mission.
2003: Entering
Jill is known as the singing nutrition major at Penn State University, where she graduates with her BS in nutrition and theater.